Időállapot: közlönyállapot (2012.III.20.)

2012. évi XIV. törvény - Magyarország Kormánya és Georgia Kormánya között a jövedelem- és a vagyonadók területén a kettős adóztatás elkerüléséről és az adóztatás kijátszásának megakadályozásáról szóló, Budapesten, 2012. február 16. napján aláírt Egyezmény kihirdetéséről 2/2. oldal

1. For the purposes of this Agreement the „place of effective management” is the place where the management of an enterprise and the executive officer or the group of senior officers of the enterprise governing the day-to-day work of the whole enterprise is settled for carrying on their activities.

Should the place of the management and the place of the day-to-day governing activity differ from each other the „place of the effective management” will be the place where the day-to-day governing activity is carried on.

2. It is understood that partnerships (betéti társaság, közkereseti társaság) established in Hungary are taxed in Hungary as corporations, and they fall within the definition of „company” and are residents in Hungary.

3. With respect of subparagraph e) of paragraph 1 Article 3 it is understood that in the case of Georgia, the term „company” means enterprise or any entity which exercises an economic activity.

4. With reference to Article 27:

It is understood that the Contracting States shall ensure the protection of personal data transferred according to the Agreement and their domestic law. With regard to personal data processing, the Contracting States shall follow the provisions of the Agreement concerning confidentiality and utilization of the exchange of information. They shall only transfer to each other personal data which are foreseeably relevant and suitable for the achievement of the purposes set out in Article 27, and they shall process the data received only for the period necessary to the implementation of the Agreement. The Contracting States shall ensure the supervision of the lawfulness of data processing through a separate authority in accordance with their domestic law. Furthermore, the data subject shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and the respective domestic law, have:

(i) the right to request information about his/her personal data processed,

(ii) the right to initiate the erasure of the data processed illegally and the rectification of data managed inaccurately, and

(iii) the right to legal remedy by an independent authority in case the rights related to the processing of personal data are infringed.

5. Present Agreement shall in no way prejudice any obligations deriving from Hungary’s membership in the European Union.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto, have signed this Protocol.

Done in duplicate at Budapest this 16 day of February 2012, in Hungarian, Georgian and English languages, each text being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of Hungary For the Government of Georgia

4. § (1) Ez a törvény - a (2) bekezdésben meghatározott kivétellel - a kihirdetését követő napon lép hatályba.

(2) A 2. és 3. § az Egyezmény 30. cikk 2. bekezdésében meghatározott időpontban lép hatályba.

(3) Az Egyezmény, valamint a 2. és 3. § hatálybalépésének naptári napját a külpolitikáért felelős miniszter - annak ismertté válását követően - a Magyar Közlönyben haladéktalanul közzétett közleményével állapítja meg.

(4) E törvény végrehajtásához szükséges intézkedésekről az adópolitikáért felelős miniszter gondoskodik.