Időállapot: közlönyállapot (2021.XI.17.)

2021. évi CXXV. törvény - az Európa Tanács kulturális örökséggel kapcsolatos bűncselekményekről szóló, Nikóziában, 2017. május 19-én kelt egyezménye kihirdetéséről 2/2. oldal

Article 30

1. Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it avails itself of one or more of the reservations provided for in Articles 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12, paragraph 3, of this Convention. No other reservation may be made in respect of any provision of this Convention.

2. Each Party which has made a reservation may, at any time, withdraw it entirely or partially by a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The withdrawal shall take effect from the date of the receipt of such notification by the Secretary General.

3. A Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of this Convention may not claim the application of that provision by any other Party; it may, however, if the reservation is partial or conditional, claim the application of that provision in so far as it has itself accepted it.

Article 31

1. Any Party may, at any time, denounce this Convention by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

2. Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.

Article 32

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council of Europe, the non-member States which have participated in its elaboration, any Signatory, any Contracting State and any other State which has been invited to accede to this Convention of:

a. any signature;

b. the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;

c. any date of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Article 27, paragraphs 3 and 4; Article 28, paragraph 2, and Article 29, paragraph 2;

d. any amendment adopted in accordance with Article 26 and the date on which such an amendment enters into force;

e. any reservation and withdrawal of reservation made in pursuance of Article 30;

f. any denunciation made in pursuance of Article 31;

g. any other act, declaration, notification or communication relating to this Convention.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Convention.

Done at Nicosia, this 19th day of May 2017, in English and in French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of Europe, to the non-member States which have participated in the elaboration of this Convention, and to any State invited to accede to this Convention.”

3. melléklet a 2021. évi CXXV. törvényhez

1. Az Egyezmény 4. Cikk 1. bekezdéséhez tett fenntartás hiteles angol nyelvű szövege a következő:

„Hungary reserves the right to provide for non-criminal sanctions, instead of criminal sanctions for the conducts described in Article 4 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph a on the basis of Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Convention, provided that the conduct carried out does not constitute a criminal offence under section 4 of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code.”

2. Az Egyezmény 4. Cikk 1. bekezdéséhez tett fenntartás hivatalos magyar nyelvű fordítása a következő:

„Az Egyezmény 4. cikk 2. bekezdése értelmében Magyarország fenntartja a jogot arra, hogy a 4. cikk 1. bekezdés a. pontjában meghatározott magatartásokra ne büntetőjogi, hanem büntetőjogon kívüli szankciókat rendeljen alkalmazni, ha a megvalósított cselekmény a Büntető Törvénykönyvről szóló 2012. évi C. törvény 4. §-a értelmében nem minősül bűncselekménynek.”

4. melléklet a 2021. évi CXXV. törvényhez

1. Az Egyezmény 5. Cikk 1. bekezdéséhez tett fenntartás hiteles angol nyelvű szövege a következő:

„Hungary reserves the right to provide for non-criminal sanctions, instead of criminal sanctions for the conducts described in Article 5 paragraph 1 on the basis of Article 5 paragraph 2 of the Convention, provided that the conduct carried out does not constitute a criminal offence under section 4 of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code.”

2. Az Egyezmény 5. Cikk 1. bekezdéséhez tett fenntartás hivatalos magyar nyelvű fordítása a következő:

„Az Egyezmény 5. cikk 2. bekezdése értelmében Magyarország fenntartja a jogot arra, hogy az 5. cikk 1. bekezdésében meghatározott magatartásokra ne büntetőjogi, hanem büntetőjogon kívüli szankciókat rendeljen alkalmazni, ha a megvalósított cselekmény a Büntető Törvénykönyvről szóló 2012. évi C. törvény 4. §-a értelmében nem minősül bűncselekménynek.”